moment of trout

I can fake that smile that makes you think I'm happy...
but everytime I laugh it hurts.
I know you're not stupid, even if I'm trying to tell my self that you're a idiot.
You know I'm faking.. you know me... I wish I could take that back from you.
You know that I'm crazy about you and that I want to stay by your side.
Please, forgive me if I'm shaking my self to teardrops, but that's the truth.
for once I will open up my self and speak out loud!
That was stupid of me, I should'nt have called you.
Put back that smile and start faking again, that's me and you know it.
"I'm happy".... or maybe I'll be.. or.. maybe.. not.
If I only could turn back time.. do things differently.
Then I would'nt open up my self to you, like I did.
I hate to know me as a liar when I say "I hate you".
The only thing that makes me hate more is that you know that's a lie.
I wish we could start over again.
When I don't know you and you don't know me.
Hi.., my name is Sofié.., whats your name?

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